YAX on the radio! Youth Advisory Board members on KALW: "Looking at Education" with Carol Kocivar
Carol Kocivar from KALW local San Francisco public radio spoke with two of our Youth Advisory Board Members, Mia Deno from our Fashion class and Fiona Gray from our Printmaking class, and our Program Manager Sofia Airaghi at [x]space arts hub on "Looking at Education." Listen to learn about our free arts programs for San Francisco public high school students and why YAX is necessary for San Francisco youth.
Fiona and Mia speak about how when they started taking classes at Youth Art Exchange, they had no experience with printmaking and fashion design, and YAX gave them the resources, mentorship, and confidence to pursue these art forms and develop leadership their skills.
A quote from Fiona:
"I think it's really, incredibly valuable to have art in your life. Just as a way to either relieve stress, or have just a moment of reflection and creative thought. I don't know what I would do without art in my life. I need this time to be able to sit down and calm down and be able to create whatever I want to. In addition to that, I also get to have a message. I make prints, so a lot of it is political posters... not only do I get that time to reflect, but I also get my ideas heard and seen by the world."