Faculty Artists
ChiChai Mateo, Fashion Design
Ethan Chen, Spoken Word + Theatre
Haya Tawatao, Mixed Media
Liam McStravick, Music Production (+ YAX Alum)
Natasha Loewy, Mixed Media -
Adam Donnelly, Photography
Adan Romo, Architecture
Angela Bracco, Architecture
Alexander Kozachek, ArtBUILD
Alyssa Aviles, Printmaking
Autumn Swisher, Photography
Brisa Aceves, Photography Darkroom Assistant
Carrie Wing, Printmaking
Charlotte Welch, Fashion Design
ChiChai Mateo, Fashion Design
Craig Hollow, Architecture
Darrell Pate, Music Production
ET, Music Production
Havel Weidner, Architecture
Hyeyoon Song, Printmaking
Imin Yeh, Printmaking
Julian Prince Dash, Fashion Design
Kali Gordon, Architecture
Katherin Canton, Photography
Lacey Johnson, Filmmaking
Liv Schaffer, Dance
Logan Kelley, Architecture
Maggie Preston, Photography
Mario Casillas, Photography
Matthew Brown, Photography + Film
Nadya Voynovskaya, Mural Arts
Nico Corona, Graphic Design
Paul Mullowney, Printmaking Collaborator
Prescott Reavis, Architecture
Richard Max Gavrich, Photography (+ YAX Alum)
Sierra Reading, Fashion Design
Advisory Board
Our Advisory Board is comprised of individuals with expertise in many sectors, who share their talents and energy with YAX. Our legal board is the Board of our fiscal sponsor, Tides Center. Tides’ Board is not involved in the organizational or program development of YAX. Our Advisory Board functions as a full working board except in the case of legal functions. If you’re interested in joining the Advisory Board, please complete this form. With any questions, please email Additional Advisory Board information available here.