Summer 2020 Artwork and Exhibition Recording (Envision and ArtBUILD)
On Friday, July 31, 2020 YAX held our virtual Summer Exhibition! We showcased the work of the San Francisco public high school youth artists in our two summer programs: ArtBUILD (architecture + music production) and Envision (printmaking + photography).
Both programs were supported by Opportunities for All. The Envision program created a zine about youth homelessness in San Francisco was supported by the Youth Empowerment Fund.
Thanks to our summer faculty artists and teaching assistants, and all our summer students:
ArtBUILD (architecture) - Trish Callo
ArtBUILD (music) - Alfie Macias
ArtBUILD Teaching Assistants - Natalie and Bella
Envision (printmaking) - Alyssa Aviles
Envision (photography) - Matthew Brown
Envision Teaching Assistants - Emi and Rachel