chris wood, construction adjunct faculty
Chris is the Construction Arts teacher and shop master at John O’Connell High School in San Francisco, as well as an adjunct faculty teaching Construction at City College of San Francisco. Partnering with Youth Art Exchange for the first time in Fall of 2015, Chris shares his tremendous experience as a professional contractor teaching construction techniques and introducing students to the use of common shop tools.
mr. b, illustration/comic book
Mr. B (Brendon Metcalf) is hoping to change the way art is taught to the youth in academics. After studying art at SJSU, he has become a practicing artist and an instructor. Mr. B is passionate about seeing the positive effect art has in young peoples lives.
chris gould, black + white photography
Chris grew up in Santa Rosa and started making photographs as a teenager. He is an artist and educator living and working in San Francisco. In addition to teaching at YAX, he teaches darkroom courses at the Harvey Milk Photo Center and manages the studio of artist John Chiara. Chris loves sharing his passion for photography to students of all ages.
anthony jimenez, mural arts
angel green, hip hop dance
aaron gabriel, music production